Data Center Security: 4 Ways to Safeguard Your Data

If you ask us to name the single, most important thing in today’s world, we will say data! Data centers are computing facilities that store a sea of information in one location. The USA alone in 2018 faced $471 million worth of losses due to a data breach.

Datacenter security is a holistic approach to protecting this valuable information. It involves the physical measures and virtual maneuvers that work side-by-side to prevent and shield against cyber threats.

In this article, we list down four easy ways to achieve this goal.

How to Secure Your Data Center?

1.   Physical Protection

Think of data centers as Aladdin’s cave and all the jewels—data is supposed to stay behind closed doors. Physical security is also the most critical factor in this regard. Choose the location wisely and limit the number of entry and exit points.

According to a report, 49% of data is lost due to human error. Therefore, restricting access to the employees can also save you a buck in the long run. Service providers like Coloco manually monitor their data centers to avoid such inconveniences.

2.   Use the Best Tools to Secure Data

Moving with the times is the smartest thing to do to ensure data security! SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) is a tool that gives you a rough estimate of your facility’s security situation.

To ensure further protection, network conservation encryption can be employed. It includes network segmentation which segregates traffic based on endpoint identities. This also creates extra hurdles for hackers.

3.   Protection against Cyber Attacks

Data centers are also prone to get attacked by malicious hackers. It could be due to improperly configured software tools, programs, or servers. They can even hack into your IP address and send requests and messages mimicking the original ones.

Moreover, to counter this, your data center must have virtual firewalls. These modes also monitor the activities generated from within and outside the facility. The data centers must use encrypted communications and filter any bugs present.

4.   Have Data Backups Available at All Times

No matter how perfect your security measures are, your data center is always at the risk of an online threat. The same applies to both system and software malfunctions that are beyond human control.

Virtual technologies are data centers’ saving grace and allow remote handling of data. It enables IT specialists to utilize data center networks and storage. Moreover, the use of cloud storage makes the entire process of managing information way easier. 


Data centers receive and also store information in tremendous amounts. This fact alone raises the significance of data center security manifolds. We have also enlisted the best ways to shield your data.Coloco is a colocation facility that aims to store and protect your valuable data. Contact them to choose the package which suits your ne

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